Event management

A tournament series with a royal finale
GVC PLC is one of the world’s biggest entertainment corporations and one of their ventures is the brand CasinoClub, a highend boutique casino, for guests, who are looking for an upscale atmosphere and lively exchange in the community. We came up with the concept for an event series for this target audience, that we have succesfully been executing for 10 years now. 2018 the highlight was a big roulette finale on the famous Queen Mary 2.
The mechanic of the event series created brand loyalty on three levels: First all members were able to qualify online for satellite roulette tournaments in select European cities in Germany and Austria. At these satellite tournaments the participants were able to win attractive prizes, one of them being tickets for the grand finale at the end of the year. We held this finale in 2018 on the famous Queen Mary 2.
Whether it was Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg or another of the world’s big cities: the qualification events were always held in first class hotels where the participants could not only enjoy a private roulette evening at a custom made table with an experienced croupier. Because thanks to the excellent event managers and the attractive program these weekends alone were true highlights in the customer community.
The highlight of the event series – the grand finale with prizes of a total of 50,000 € – was held as a luxury stay on the Queen Mary 2 en voyage from Hamburg to Southampton. The world famous cruise ship represents luxury and lifestyle like no other and thereby was the perfect stage for an event like this.
We delivered the entire 360° service for our client and their guests: from the very basic concept to the execution on location to the storytelling afterwards. The result 2018: three successfull satellite tournaments in Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna, 200 happy event participants – and overjoyed winners on the Queen Mary 2 that owe one of the best weekends of their lives to our client. That is how you create experiences. This is how customer loyalty is done.
The Queen Mary 2 as the perfect stage for the grand finale 2018.
The power of the „Queen Mary 2“ brand was a wonderful and efficient tool for storytelling about the satellite tourniers up front: True luxury, real stories – the biggest ship of its time, christened by the queen herself, Ringo Starr and Elton John have been onboard – and literally everything is onboard for the participants to have the time of their lives; casino included.

The grand finale on the Queen Mary 2 was the golden conclusion of an extraordinary event series. You just had to look into the participants’ amazed eyes to know: this story is going to be told for quite a while. This clearly was the incentive of the year and a best-practice case in terms of brand building and customer loyalty building.
Cherief El Mahdy
The roulette finale
A priceless memory
For the exclusive finale a casino was set up in a private event room, with a double-roulette table as the centerpiece. One of a kind, that we had custom made for the tournament series and had handled by a very experienced croupier. Prizes with a total value of 50,000 Euros could be won at this finale. But even before the official winners were announced the memories of this event – and thereby for the brand CasinoClub – must have been priceless for the participants already. We ensured that: Starting with an exclusive shuttle service at the beginning to ongoing personal care on location through our event managers – up to the luxurious aspects like the exclusive cabins with balconies on the ship and the first class dinners; Each and every wish of the participants was read from their eyes during the event.

Satellite tournaments
in the run up
big finale on
the Queen Mary 2
Members with a personal brand story
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